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Lifestyle medicine vital signs

Lifestyle Medicine Vital Signs
What is your name?
What is your date of birth?
For example, 31 3 1980
What is your sex?
As recorded on your medical record
The one used to register with your GP
Anyone else with access to your email account may see responses sent to you


With the scale questions below, please choose between 1-10 for each. 1 being the worst/least and 10 being the best/most.

Nourishment – Rate the quality of the food you put into your body on a daily basis:
Movement – Rate how often and for how long you move your body on a daily basis:
Connectedness – Rate how well you stay connected with family, friends and your higher power:
Sleep – Rate the quality of your sleep:
Positivity – Rate how often you engage in positivity enhancing practices:
(positive thinking, gratitude, avoiding negative self-talk, acts of kindness, forgiveness, mindfulness, meditation, prayer)
Resilience – Rate how well you are able to manage stress in your life:
Green and Blue – Rate how often and how long you spend in nature or outdoors:
Screen time – Rate how happy you are with your current amount of screen time:
Substance use – Rate how comfortable you are with any current substance use:
(smoking, alcohol, drugs)
Purpose – Rate how well you feel you are fulfilling your passion, purpose or vocation in life: