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Where to get help with cost of living support this Winter

This Winter could be hard for many people – and cost of living worries can have a big impact on health and wellbeing. Extra help is available in Manchester this winter.

For help with: Benefits and rent, debts or bills, food or staying warm

Please ring our Cost of Living advice line on freephone 0800 023 2692, Monday to Friday, 9am–4.30pm. More information is also available at or text: 07860 022 876.

Extra money you may be entitled to

Check if you are eligible for Pension Credit by calling charity Independent Age for free on 0800 319 6789, Monday to Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm, or visit Pension Credit is a very important benefit because it gives access to other benefits, such as social tariffs, the Warm House Discount, cheaper broadband, free TV licences, lower water bills, and now the Winter Fuel Payment. You need to apply for Pension Credit by 21 December.

Extra support for pensioners

The Council has identified pensioners who receive Council Tax Support or Housing Benefit but have not qualified for Winter Fuel Payment. These pensioners will automatically receive direct payments of £150 or £200 if aged 80 or over. You don’t need to do anything – payments go straight into the bank account the Council has details of, or will be paid in Post Office vouchers.

Hardship Fund

The Council has created a new Hardship Fund for pensioners in need who will not receive the Winter Fuel Payment and don’t get the automatic payment mentioned above.

Under this scheme those people aged 66–79 may be eligible for £150 payments and those aged 80 or over may be entitled to £200. Referrals will be made through Manchester City Council’s Cost of Living advice line by calling 0800 023 2692 or visiting This line is open Monday to Friday, 9am–4.30pm. Applications to the Hardship Fund can be made from Monday 18 November 2024.

There are also £100 automatic payments for households in receipt of Council Tax Support where at least one person receives disability benefits.

Free vaccinations for people aged 65 and over

This year there are three main breathing conditions that can make people seriously ill. Details of vaccinations for pensioners are as follows:

  • Flu – age 65 plus. Available now. Make an appointment when you are contacted by your GP practice.
  • Covid – age 65 plus. Available now. Call 0161 947 0770 / 0800 092 4020 to make an appointment, or visit
  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) – age 75–79. Please wait for your GP to contact you about this.

Where to get urgent care

NHS 111 provides urgent care, support and advice for people of all ages. Depending on your symptoms, NHS 111 can:

  • Book you an evening or weekend (out-of-hours) GP appointment
  • Book you a callback from a nurse
  • Refer you to other urgent care and specialist services
  • Provide advice to look after yourself at home

If you have any questions, our teams want to help you. If you aren’t sure who to speak to, ring our Cost of Living advice line on freephone 0800 023 2692, Monday to Friday, 9am–4.30pm. More information is also available at, or text 07860 022 876.