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NHS Healthy Living Programme

NHS Healthy Living online education programme for people living with type 2 diabetes

Healthy Living is a free online programme, available to people living with type 2 diabetes, that provides support to manage their condition.

Available to people aged over 18, including carers and family members, the service accepts self-referrals by visiting

The programme has been proven to help reduce blood glucose and BMI, and to increase people’s confidence in managing their diabetes.

Frequently asked questions

Q. What is ‘Healthy Living for people with type 2 diabetes’?

Healthy Living for people with type 2 diabetes (or Healthy Living for short) is a free online service designed to help you learn more about type 2 diabetes. Healthy Living has been clinically proven and can help you improve your health and live well with type 2 diabetes.

Q. Who is the programme for?

A. Anyone over the age of 18, living in England with type 2 diabetes, no matter when you were diagnosed. If you care for someone living with type 2 diabetes, you can sign up too.

Q. How can Healthy Living help me?

A. Healthy Living provides knowledge and information so that you can:

  • feel confident in managing your type 2 diabetes
  • reduce diabetes-related distress
  • improve your health and wellbeing
  • achieve and maintain a healthy weight
  • feel motivated to continue making healthy lifestyle choices

Q. How can I join the programme?

To join the Healthy Living programme visit the website at or scan the QR code below with your mobile phone. Once you have completed the registration questions on the homepage, Healthy Living will send you an email so you can activate your account. If you care for someone living with type 2 diabetes, you can sign up too.

Q. How do I use the programme?

A. Login to the programme at using a web browser on a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone and find information, quizzes and more under the ‘Learn’ section. Starting off with the key essentials about type 2 diabetes, you will unlock more content as you progress through the articles. Aim for bite-sized sessions on a regular basis, so you can take time to put your learning into practice and form new habits.