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Why GPs no longer do “letters of support”

In common with other GP practices in the UK, the GPs at this surgery no longer do “letters of support” that are occasionally asked by patients or their representatives.  The reasons for this are:

  • There is no need – most applications for certain benefits/appeals etc. Information can already be gathered from the GP records so there is no need to supplicate this in an unofficial capacity.  Other forms such as those related to housing/adaptations are not appropriate for GPs to complete as they have no qualifications in these areas.
  • There is no advantage – such letters are often not even looked at and when they are, carry little or no weight in statutory bodies’ decision making – despite what people’s perceptions often seem to be!
  • GPs workload does not allow for them – no-one can be aware that GPs workload is at an unsustainable level and thus non-essential activities must be stopped.  To ensure the core GP work of seeing and treating ill patients continues, such time-consuming optional work can’t always be completed.
  • The contract under which GPs work means that they have no obligation at all regarding such requests – This is often not understood by patients or their representatives.

We understand some may be disappointed with this; nonetheless is an essential move to ensure we continue to meet our primary function. If you were told by an agency to ask for a letter of support from your GP, please refer them to this policy.